Center for Religious Freedom

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June 2011
Past Event
South Sudan: Voices of a New Nation
Featured Speakers:
Nina Shea,
Joseph Bakosoro,
Amin Zakaria Ismail,
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June 2011
Past Event
South Sudan: Voices of a New Nation

Hudson Institute's Center for Religious Freedom and Voices for Sudan cordially invite you to a roundtable briefing on South Sudan by His Excellency Ba

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Featured Speakers:
Nina Shea,
Joseph Bakosoro,
Amin Zakaria Ismail,
April 2011
Past Event
Eastern Sudan: Threats to the Beja People and Global Security
Featured Speakers:
Paul Marshall,
Ibrahim Tahir Ahmed,
Walid Phares,
Jimmy Mulla,
Faith McDonnell,
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April 2011
Past Event
Eastern Sudan: Threats to the Beja People and Global Security

In January, South Sudan voted overwhelmingly for its independence. But millions of oppressed and marginalized people remain in Sudan, including in Eas

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Featured Speakers:
Paul Marshall,
Ibrahim Tahir Ahmed,
Walid Phares,
Jimmy Mulla,
Faith McDonnell,
March 2011
Past Event
How Should the U.S. Respond to the Prospect of Islamist Governments?
Featured Speakers:
Nina Shea,
Ed Husain,
Hedieh Mirahmadi,
Hillel Fradkin,
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March 2011
Past Event
How Should the U.S. Respond to the Prospect of Islamist Governments?

With the fall of governments in Egypt and Tunisia and unrest in Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, and Oman, policymakers are considering the future political lan

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Featured Speakers:
Nina Shea,
Ed Husain,
Hedieh Mirahmadi,
Hillel Fradkin,
January 2011
Past Event
How Necessary Is Christianity to European Identity?
Featured Speakers:
Nina Shea
Paul Marshall
Marcello Pera
George Weigel
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January 2011
Past Event
How Necessary Is Christianity to European Identity?

Once the heart of Christendom, Europe now is increasingly a secularist culture. While many states retain Christian symbols on their flags and offici

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Featured Speakers:
Nina Shea
Paul Marshall
Marcello Pera
George Weigel
January 2011
Past Event
The Organization of the Islamic Conference: Fatwas on Freedom and Democracy
Featured Speakers:
Nina Shea
Dr. Mark Durie
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January 2011
Past Event
The Organization of the Islamic Conference: Fatwas on Freedom and Democracy

The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), through its Saudi-based Islamic Fiqh Academy (IFA), seeks to bring Islamic jurisprudence to bear on

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Featured Speakers:
Nina Shea
Dr. Mark Durie
March 2010
Past Event
Perspectives on Sudan'’s Upcoming Elections
Featured Speakers:
Paul Marshall
Dave Peterson,
Gafar O. Kangam,
Khalid Gerais,
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March 2010
Past Event
Perspectives on Sudan'’s Upcoming Elections

In April, Sudan is scheduled to hold national elections in the midst of a tense peace between North and South and an ongoing conflict in the western p

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Featured Speakers:
Paul Marshall
Dave Peterson,
Gafar O. Kangam,
Khalid Gerais,