
Hudson Institute Scholars Respond to the Unfolding Crisis in the Arab World

WASHINGTON—During the past week, the wave of unrest in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, and Algeria has led to significant changes in the political landscape of the Arab world. The protests and violence may result in devastating repercussions for U.S. allies in the region, with significant implications for U.S. policy toward Lebanon, Iran, and beyond.

Hudson Institute's scholars, including Senior Fellows Nina Shea and Paul Marshall and Visiting Fellow Lee Smith, are analyzing the situation as it unfolds. Shea and Marshall have been a steady source of the latest news on the situation in Egypt; Smith analyses the wider ramifications of what he calls the "Autumn of the Patriarchs" in the Middle East.

Their analysis can be found on Hudson's website,, and they are available for comment, as is Senior Fellow Hillel Fradkin, a specialist on Islamist movements, and co-editor of Hudson's prestigious journal, Current Trends in Islamist Ideology. Numerous other Hudson scholars — including Senior Fellows Douglas Feith, former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, and Hassan Mneimneh, the former head of the Iraq Memory Foundation — are available for comment on U.S. policy options, as are scholars Ann Marlowe, Richard Weitz, and Gabriel Schoenfeld.

For a full list of Hudson's experts, please click here.

Hudson Institute hosts Washington's most comprehensive group of scholars on radical Islamism and U.S. grand strategy in the Middle East. Hudson's in-depth analysis of the Muslim Brotherhood can be found on the website of the Institute's Center on Islam, Democracy, and the Future of the Muslim World at

Continue to monitor our website — — for details on an upcoming briefing event for the press and public, scheduled to take place this week.

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Ioannis Saratsis, 202-974-2403

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James Bologna, 202-974-6456

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