Hudson Institute

Hudson Statement on the Passing of Henry Kissinger

“His legacy and impact will continue in our new era of geopolitical challenges.”

Henry Kissinger at Hudson’s annual gala in New York on November 30, 2015.
Henry Kissinger at Hudson’s annual gala in New York on November 30, 2015.

WASHINGTON—Hudson President and CEO John P. Walters released the following statement on the passing of Henry Kissinger:

“Hudson mourns the passing of Dr. Kissinger, who was an era-defining scholar, diplomat, and statesman. As a Jewish refugee who fled Nazi Germany and later fought in the U.S. Army in World War II, he understood the importance of strong American leadership as a force for security, freedom, and prosperity. His legacy and impact will continue in our new era of geopolitical challenges and inform scholars and diplomats for generations to come. On behalf of Hudson, we are grateful for his unparalleled contributions.”

Hudson Honored Dr. Kissinger at its annual gala in 1997, and he was a longtime friend to Hudson.

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