China Insider

China Insider #11 | Retiree Protests Spread, China's Top Tech Investor Disappears, and Wang Yi at the Munich Security Conference

Senior Fellow and Director, China Center
wilson shirley
wilson shirley
Former Media Fellow, China Center
China Insider Podcast Miles Yu

The Chinese retiree protests that began in Wuhan have spread to other cities as local governments cut back on healthcare subsidies. Miles Yu and Wilson Shirley discuss where these protests are headed and how Xi Jinping's policies have undermined government budgets throughout China. They follow up with a conversation about the disappearance of Bao Fan, one of China's top technology investors, before finishing with key takeaways from the Munich Security Conference, Wang Yi's meeting with Antony Blinken, and the future of China-Russia relations.

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On multiple fronts—from ideology to the economy, to the military, to technology—the Chinese Communist Party presents the United States and its allies and partners with their most serious threat since the Cold War—maybe since World War II. What does the emerging consensus about the China challenge get right, and what is it missing? And what will it take to compete to win?

China Insider is a weekly podcast project from Hudson Institute's China Center, hosted by Miles Yu and Wilson Shirley, who provide weekly news that mainstream American outlets often miss, as well as in-depth commentary and analysis on the China challenge and the free world’s future.